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Making A Difference In Your Life

How Can a Psychiatrist Make a Difference in My Life?
There may be times in your life when you experience problems that you cannot successfully resolve on your

own. A medically trained psychiatrist can teach you how to effectively manage your mental illness, emotional distress, psychological issues and/or self-destructive behaviors. A psychiatrist can treat your mental health by using a variety of techniques such as: diagnostic testing, psychotherapy and psychotropic medications. Psychiatrists can be found in a variety of locations such as hospitals, mental health facilities, nursing homes, research laboratories, educational institutions, social service agencies and/or private practices.

If you suffer from severe and/or chronic mental health problems like panic attacks, manic depression, generalized or specific anxiety, obsessive compulsive tendencies and/or eating disorders, then you may need to see a psychiatrist. Your psychiatrist will not only stabilize your moods and reduce self-destructive behaviors; he/she will also improve the quality of your life.

A psychiatrist can make a difference in your life if you suffer from one of the following conditions:

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

Psychiatry is especially beneficial if you suffer from panic attacks and/or generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). If you have GAD, you may not be able to stop fretting over your past, current or future situation. Moreover, you may feel that life and/or events are beyond your control. Your psychiatrist can provide you with the tools that you need to reduce your anxiety, manage your condition and resolve your issues.

Manic Depression

Manic depression, also known as bipolar disorder, typically consists of fluctuating moods. For instance, if you suffer from manic depression you may experience mania (excited, irritable and/or energized moods and/or behaviors) one minute and severe depression (suicidal ideation, despair and/or fatigue) the next. Your psychiatrist can reduce the severity and frequency of manic depression symptoms by prescribing medications, conducting psychotherapy sessions and teaching you the skills that you need to regulate your moods, reduce your symptoms and effectively manage your condition. Moreover, your psychiatrist is the only qualified mental health professional that can treat your manic depression symptoms with a combination of counseling and medication.

Eating Disorders

Eating disorders such as: bulimia, anorexia, body dysmorphic disorder and food addictions can wreak havoc on both your mental and physical well-beings. An eating disorder occurs when you experience a significant change in the amount of food you eat. For instance, if you are anorexic, you may restrict your food intake until you are severely underweight and/or malnourished and if you are bulimic; you may eat large portions of foods (binging) and then immediately expel those foods (purging) by vomiting, extreme dieting and/or over-exercising.

It is important to note that your psychiatrist can restore your mental and physical health with the use of diagnostic testing, counseling and medications. Moreover, if outpatient treatment is unsuccessful and/or you become a danger to yourself, you may be admitted to the hospital for proper care.

The following psychiatric approaches can improve the quality of your life:

Diagnostic Testing

During your visit, your psychiatrist will collect and document your medical history, administer a psychiatric exam and/or psychological assessments and/or order CAT scans so that he/she can accurately diagnose your condition.

Treatment Plans

You will see your therapist at least once a week (in some cases you may see your psychiatrist multiple times a week). During this time, you and your provider will develop a treatment program that best suits your needs and helps you achieve your goals. Your psychiatrist may administer a variety of psychological assessments and diagnostic tests an effort to accurately diagnose your condition. He/she may make a difference in your life by providing you the tools and medications needed to effectively manage your psychological issues.


Your psychiatrist can help you by prescribing medications that will reduce your symptoms and restore your mental health. He/she has been trained in the area of psychopharmacology (the study of psychotropic medications and their effects on mentally ill individuals) and may use his/her psychopharmacology knowledge to decide which medications are best for you.

Your psychiatrist may improve the quality of your life by treating your condition with ADHD (stimulant based) medications such as: Adderall, Ritalin and Dexedrine. These stimulants may help reduce your hyperactivity and impulsivity and increase your attention, focus and concentration.


Your psychiatrist can make a difference in your life by utilizing a psychotherapy approach to treat your emotional distress and/or mental illness. He/she will provide a safe, secure, supportive and confidential environment for you to work through your issues and learn new skills. For instance, if you have been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), your psychiatrist will help you acknowledge, process and cope with your traumatic experiences.

During your visits, you and your psychiatrist will talk about your family medical history, your medical history, allergies, other medical conditions, past experiences triggers, etc. In order to avoid severe side-effects and adverse reactions, it is important that you are prescribed the correct medications.


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